
No one should go bankrupt due to illness or injury. We must ensure all Americans have access to quality and affordable healthcare, and we cannot rest until every single American is covered. Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, and a robust healthcare system is essential for the well-being of our nation.

By guaranteeing healthcare for all, we can prevent financial devastation caused by medical emergencies, promote preventative care, and ensure that everyone receives the treatment they need. It is imperative to create a system where healthcare is a guarantee, not a privilege, ensuring that every individual can lead a healthy, productive life without the fear of financial ruin.

Social Security & Medicare

I will protect social security and Medicare and will fight any attempts to cut benefits that the people of our district need. You paid your entire life into those programs and it is offensive that there are rich politicians who are trying to gut those programs. As your Congressman, I will stop at nothing to protect Social Security and Medicare.

Before Social Security, over 50% of senior citizens lived in poverty in this country. We can never return to those days, and we must work very hard to strengthen social security so it can continue being the strong safety-net that so many of our citizens depend on.