Supporting the right to unionize will directly start reversing income inequality. One of the first bills I will champion when I am elected is the PRO-Act. The PRO-Act will make it much easier for workers to come together and form a union in order to collectively bargain their wages, health benefits, and working conditions.
While workers approval of unions is at an all time high, the overall unionization rate in this country continues to fall due loops holes in existing law that allows corporations to union bust. Let us level out the playing field, and allow the American worker to be able to live in dignity. The middle and working class is the backbone of this country and we need to respect their labor once again.
As a Mayor for over ten years, I know what it takes to economically develop a city. Linden has experienced a renaissance over the last few years, but many of our communities cannot do the same because they do not have the resources. As your Congressman, I will fight hard to bring the resources to our district to help end income inequality.